Tuesday 14 May 2013

Jill the Dog

I'm a cat person but I have a soft spot for a well trained, well groomed dog.  Charlie's Rottweilers have never fitted the bill- they're spoilt, over weight and disobedient (exactly like a bratty cousin of mine). They also smell quite strongly of wet cardboard and musk. On the other end of the doggy spectrum is Jill, a Collie that smells of Pantene. She is terrified of rubber gloves, to the extent that she'll play dead as soon as she sees someone opening the cupboard under the sink and she will lift her chin to allow you to tuck her into her basket. Before I met Jill, Charlie assumed that I hated all dogs.

Now almost every time Charlie ends up at his friend's house after a few drinks I'll get a photo of my favourite dog.

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